Friday, August 15, 2008

Employment! (but not fame...or a lot of wealth for that matter)

Finally, after 7 weeks, probably about 200 emails and random applications, and 8 interviews (2 of which were complete scams..) I got a job!

It's with a pretty cool company with a lot of room for growth. It's a high-end lamp company. They have offices internationally, but LA is their main office. Everyone is super friendly, and I found out I got it yesterday, which is the same day I interviewed as well. I'm just doing customer service and project management at first, but I have room to grow into sales and business development in a year too. It's a really nice office, but it happens to be in the 'almost' ghetto, bordering the Compton area. Basically, if I ever get lost on my way to work, I will be shot. But it's the trade-off I have accepted.

Now I'm on the search for an apartment to live in. Which will be tricky. With prices here, and what I'm making, after all my bills and whatever, I will have about $100 left over. So much for being filthy rich!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Grr blogging

Ok, I should blog more, I know. I also realize that not everyone likes to read about politics. So I might start a second blog only for my political rants, and export all of these political blogs over there, and I'll keep this blog for my fun stuff. Like my adventures with rattlesnakes. And being on the verge of death in Compton. Or my application process for the LA Sheriff's Dept. And what about getting hired as director of an MMA program at a super ritzy gym in souther Orange County.

Yeah. I'm in over my head.

But check out how cute my niece is!

(Don't judge--Kortney made me watch High School Musical, and I kind of like the music...)

Monday, August 11, 2008

McCain, Bush, Obama, Russia, Georgia

I made the following comment to this post:
Have you read Obama's speech? He probably does not even know where Georgia is on a map. McCain has been to Georgia. McCain also immediately knew to condemn Russia, and support Georgia, who has the 3rd largest presence in Iraq, with 2000 troops. Obama probably didn't know that, and condemned both Russia and Georgia because he doesn't know crap about foreign policy.

The US transported all Georgian forces in Iraq back to Georgia to fight in their own country. The US is now shifting troops in Iraq to account for all the work that the Georgians have been doing, which has mainly been confined to border security between Iraq and Iran.

Obama is a fascist liberal, who wants to control when you work, how you eat, what you drive, and how you heat your home. Obama is a weak, naive, and an elitist snob.

Obama portrayed himself in the race between His Holy Oneness and Hillary, as more liberal. Now he is against McCain, and he changes his website to be more centrist. He spoke all presidential when it came to Iraq before he even went there.

And don't complain that McCain is acting like he's already President, he didn't make himself a Presidential Seal like Obama did.

Also, don't complain about McCain being similar to Bush. McCain voted against Bush's oil energy plan. Obama voted for it.

Obama gets more money from employees of oil companies than McCain does. Look it up.

You're boy Obama is a liar.

Friday, August 1, 2008

GOP Leadership

Pelosi and her Democrat friends refused to address the energy crisis today, closing up shop early and refusing to vote on off-shore drilling. Off-shore drilling is a measurable and tangible solution to the energy crisis that we are experiencing. Funny thing is, Democrats probably complain most about high gas prices, but are doing the least to address it.

House Republicans decided they would not leave America "in the dark." The democrat's solution to the energy debate was merely turning off the lights on the Republicans, who refused to leave.

It should be noted that democrats were not only going home for the weekend, rather, they were leaving on a 5-week vacation.

The democrats left America's energy crisis for another 5 weeks. They did not even work a full day today--they adjourned the meeting at 11:30am. Republicans, who have more respect for taxpayer money, stayed with microphones off, lights out, and c-span cameras off until 5pm.

They held their one-sided debate, addressing the real need of alternative fuel sources for the entirety of the day, and at the end of the day, they banded together and sang God Bless America and cheered "USA!!"

This is a day to remember. As Conservatives, we all need to band together and question democrats. Why would they only work half a work-day before going on a 5-week vacation? Most Americans cannot even take a 5 week vacation. Most Americans, when taking a 4 DAY vacation, have to put in an obnoxious amount of overtime before departure from their workstations. Why would they leave in such a time of 'crisis.' Crisis, by the way, is a widely used democrat term.

Inevitably, this will be hailed by democrats as a political stunt, or a temper tantrum. No, this was GOP leadership, and they showed that they put America first.